Officine Canvas Milano


Our canvas bags come with you from the city to the woods, naturally.

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Waxed canvas bag, waxed canvas backpack, bag for men, bag for women, officine canvas milano



Made one at the time

Every bag is unique, like you

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  • If you love painting and drawing

  • You will love our Artists section
  • Made to last

  • The most you use our bags, the better they will become
  • Nature is my daily inspiration

If you love painting and drawing

You will love our Artists section FOR ARTISTS

Made to last

The most you use our bags, the better they will become SHOP HERE

Nature is my daily inspiration


Great inspiration for my work

I live near Milan, in Italy, and I love it. But even if I'm very close to the big city I'm also in the middle of Pianura Padana countryside. You will find a lot of italian country inspiration in my bags, in the pictures that you will see here and also in my blog post.

I use to take long walk in the countryside with my dog, Maya, and I think to new bags to do, new blog posts to write and also to all the beautiful places I would like to travel with my family and my bags, of course. One of my dream is to travel the world in a van, far away from the chaos of the city, deep inside a beautiful nature.

I hope you will enjoy your visit to my shop, I'm happy you are here.

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